45 Things + 5

Recently on The Dare To Dream Podcast I spoke about a blog article I wrote 8 years ago titled, “45 Things + 5.” I wrote it as more of a stream of consciousness on my 45th birthday. All of my life lessons up to that point. Going through old files, I ran across it again and it reminded me of what’s important. We get off track sometimes and I guess this was my 45 year old self telling me to not take myself so seriously and enjoy the life I’ve lived. Several people have asked about the article, so I decided to republish it. I hope you get some lessons out of it too.

45 Things

1. Figure out who you are

2. Being nice is a lot less maintenance than being mean

3. Friend older people and listen for the gems

4. Give your significant other a great life

5. Immediate family comes first

6. Be selfish with your time

7. Gossiping will find its way back to you

8. Eating crap, makes you feel and look like crap

9. Pick exercises you like and do those

10. Get rid of clothes, jobs and people in your life that don't fit anymore

11. You have a lot more acquaintances, than friends

12. Don't freak out, the result is worse

13. People remember you how they saw you last

14. If it feels weird, it's weird

15. Fear is why we don't do things and why we do things

16. Walking daily will help you solve all of the world's problems

17. How you imagine it, is not the same as real life

18. Stay out of other people's drama

19. If you are running out of people to call, you probably complain too much

20. Simplifying your life is a daily practice

21. If someone hires you to do a job, do it

22. Your significant other will change, but not how you think

23. Buy the best quality you can afford

25. Your parents don't owe you anything and you don't owe them anything

26. Be alone with yourself

27. Some people are jerks

28. Stay out of the past, it's not what you remember

29. Things just happen sometimes. That's it.

30. When feeling compelled to retaliate, do the opposite

31. Losing weight takes longer every year

32. Quit your job for the better one, then do it again

33. Love your pets and they will save you

34. Achieve your goals, no matter how long it takes

35. Fighting keeps your problems longer

36. If you are looking for something wrong, you will find it

37. Wait 24 hours before responding to an angry text or email

38. Everyone is, should be and will be a consultant

39. More than one person loses when you make fun of them

40. Half your life is spent unlearning what your parents taught you

41. Friendship takes maintenance

42. Don't let employers dumb down your achievements

43. Stop trying to be all of these different people, pick the few that you like

44. Make your own money

45. Share what you've learned with others

46. Get a flower guy, everyone loves flowers

47. Be clean and dress nice, you'll be surprised how your day changes

48. Searching for someone to blame gets harder

49. Take care of your body, it needs to last awhile

50. Choose silence in times of saying something you'll regret

51. If not you, then who


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